Kasparov: Gov’t Officials Will Answer For Their Crimes
As a group of Russian oppositionists continue to sit out jail sentences received in connection with an unsanctioned rally in defense of free assembly, opposition leader Garry Kasparov warns that the state officials involved in such corrupt and unlawful arrests and convictions will, at some point, have to answer for their crimes.
A Criminal Government
Civil servants will answer to the law for their crimes
By Garry Kasparov
January 3, 2011
Nemtsov – 15 days of administrative arrest. Limonov – 15 days. Kosyakin – 10 days. Yashin – 5 days.
On New Year’s Eve, so-called law enforcement representatives committed criminal offenses against these four citizens of Russia, who were publically expressing their deeply negative attitude towards Putin’s regime. The unlawful arrests on the street, the falsification of charges in the police station, the rubber-stamped court decisions – it’s the entire standard arsenal used by the stooges in the police and the courts, who were installed by the Don and his accomplices to keep order in the “zone.” In this most primitive fashion, these punks, who bust their way into the government, settled scores with their political enemies.
Terrible-looking OMON commanders dutifully fulfill the role of the regime’s cur, ordering their subordinates first to beat defenseless people and then to give false testimony in court. Petty hooliganism, obscene expressions, resistance to police officers, violations of public order – for sure, not one opposition event calling for the observance of the constitution could be held without that. The police know very well that they have nothing to worry about – all the “Judge Danilkins” always guarantee a conviction. To that end, any piece of nonsense from men in uniform is accepted as proof, while any evidence from the defense, including photo and video materials, is rejected.
By the way, judging by the police reaction, everything that happened during the unsanctioned march of football fanatics down Leningradka on December 8 was just peachy. That is to say, there were no hooliganistic antics, violations of public order, or, God forbid, obscene expressions. Yes, and the events of December 11 on Manezhnaya, proceeding from the police’s same logic, did not pose a serious threat to law-abiding citizens – as opposed to the opposition’s provocative gatherings on the 31st.
The criminalization of the state apparatus has reached the highest levels of centralization, in which the thieving government distorts the law and strives to hold onto their loot. Only the “loot,” in this case, is the Russian budget and the natural resources of our country.
And one more thing. On his blog, Ilya Yashin colorfully describes how Officer Dima falsified a police report under pressure from his superiors – that is to say, committed a serious act of professional misconduct without a moment’s thought. It’s interesting to ponder whether all of these Officer “Dimas,” Judge “Danilkins,” and Prosecutor “Lakhtins” think that, one wonderful day, the government of tyrants will ever come to an end in Russia, and a normal judicial system will begin to work, so that they will all have to answer to the law for their crimes. Or are they certain that, even if that time comes, nobody will remember them anyway? Like in 1991…