All Posts Tagged With: "Alexei Kudrin"

Kudrin Calls 2012 ‘Year of Missed Opportunities’
Former Finance Minister and close Putin confidant Alexei Kudrin has named 2012 a “year of missed opportunities” because of the Russian government’s failure to take the opportunity of public outrage about fraudulent parliamentary elections to push through democratic reforms.
Dec 19, 2012 | Continued
Medvedev: Russia Must Become a ‘Country of Dreams’
The Russian president spoke at the official opening of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on Friday, pledging to shape fiscal policy in order to turn Russia into a country that people would strive to make “their new or second home.”
Jun 18, 2010 | Continued
Court Won’t Call Putin as Witness in Khodorkosvky Case
Moscow’s Khamovnichesky Court says that despite testimony that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin admitted that the case against Mikhail Khodorkovsky was politically motivated, it finds no legal basis on which to subpoena him.
May 28, 2010 | Continued
Moscow Mayor Lashes Out at Kremlin Policies
In a sign that Russia’s economic crisis is leading regional leaders to question the Kremlin, Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov spoke out against federal economic policies.
Feb 18, 2009 | Continued
Falling Oil Prices May Send Russian Budget into Deficit
Oil prices have dipped to levels dangerous for Russia’s federal budget, dropping near or below $70 per barrel on the London, Tokyo and New York exchanges.
Oct 17, 2008 | Continued
Consumer Prices Set to Explode
Analysts are predicting a sharp spike in the price of consumer goods and inflation for 2008, as government price controls expire.
Dec 28, 2007 | Continued