All Posts Tagged With: "Yury Luzhkov"

Medvedev Orders Halt to Khimki Forest Destruction
President Medvedev has announced an immediate halt to road construction through the Khimki Forest, following weeks of protests and a set of sudden, unexpected appeals from United Russia and Moscow Mayor Luzhkov.
Aug 26, 2010 | Continued
Five Detained at St. Petersburg Gay Pride Protest
At least five gay rights activists were detained over the weekend at an gay pride protest in St. Petersburg that local authorities refused to sanction.
Jun 28, 2010 | Continued
Ekho Moskvy Editor Proposes Political Rally Ban
Ekho Moskvy radio Editor-in-Chief Aleksei Venediktov says that both pro- and anti-government events should be banned from being held on Moscow’s Triumfalnaya Square for a year.
Jun 8, 2010 | Continued
Moscow Bans Gay Pride Parade for Fifth Year in a Row
Organizers of the annual Moscow Pride parades got word from the mayor’s office on Thursday that the application to hold their event has been turned down for the fifth time in a row.
May 21, 2010 | Continued
Moscow Refuses to Sanction ‘Strategy 31’ Rally, Again
The Moscow city authorities have refused to sanction an opposition rally in defense of the constitutional right to the freedom of assembly for the ninth time in a row.
May 19, 2010 | Continued Moscow’s Construction Plan Exemplifies Corruption
The editorial team at argues that Moscow’s controversial 15-year construction plan approved by the city last week is emblematic of corruption throughout the Russian government.
May 11, 2010 | Continued
Stalin Controversies Abound in Victory Day Run-Up
Human rights advocates are voicing outrage at a St. Petersburg city bus covered with a gigantic picture of Josef Stalin, while oppositionists in Moscow ask the president to officially denounce the Soviet dictator.
May 6, 2010 | Continued
Thousands of Russians Turn Out for May Day Rallies
Thousands of Russians held protests and marches throughout the country on Saturday during May Day celebrations. A number of opposition leaders were detained and some rallies were banned outright.
May 3, 2010 | Continued
Moscow Mayor Hypocritially Discusses Freedom of Assembly
Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov says that Triumfalnaya Square is too small to hold thousands of opposition protesters, despite allowing thousands of pro-Kremlin protesters to use the same space last week.
Apr 7, 2010 | Continued
Censored Izvestia Journalist Quits
Well-known Russian journalist Maksim Sokolov is quitting his job at the newspaper Izvestia after editors refused to publish an article critical of Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov.
Mar 22, 2010 | Continued