All Posts Tagged With: "democratic decline"
Gorbachev: A Third Putin Term ‘Discredits Democratic Principles’
Mikhail Gorbachev has denounced Putin’s decision to run for a third term as president, saying that while it does not violate the constitution, it “essentially discredits democratic principles.”
Nov 24, 2011 | ContinuedFreedom House: Situation in Russia ‘Relentlessly Grim’
A new report by Freedom House alleges that President Medvedev’s attempts to push forward democratic reforms have come to naught, while “bribery and embezzlement remain the norm” and “the law is enforced at the caprice of the leadership.”
Jan 14, 2011 | ContinuedKremlin at Odds with Council of Europe Report
The Council of Europe has issued a report calling for Russia to bring back the direct election for regional leaders and make it easier for political parties to gain registration.
Oct 28, 2010 | ContinuedStudy Deplores ‘Rapidly Shrinking Space For Dissent’ in Russia
A new study by Freedom House singles out Russia as having experienced a severe decline in the quality of its democratic governance over the course of the past ten years.
Jun 30, 2010 | Continued